To answer my niece's question: Yes Bri, I CAN eat sushi on this cockamamie detox plan. We made some tonight. I had veggies only, I had to swap my regular soy sauce for wheat-free Tamari, and the sights and smells of Tim's spicy shrimp roll and Philly roll nearly sent me over the edge. But I consumed rice, seaweed and wasabi. Overall, it was a fairly great experience. Several times, I felt the need to reach for my glass of wine. Which of course was not there. I went to our food co-op for the second big grocery outing of the cleanse and made some fun discoveries. Amy's brand (how could you not love that?!) organic soups have at least four varieties that are vegan and contain nothing forbidden to me: Low fat split pea, low fat black bean vegetable, lentil vegetable and -- for the big winner of the day -- spicy CHILI! Stay tuned for my review of one of Oprah's recipes that features something I'd never heard of before -- Tempeh. It's soybeans bound in cake form , thr...
When you've lost your way, I'm not the person to ask for directions.