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I'd bet more than a few people in our area and other parts of the Midwest have described the current flooding situation as "shitty."

Frighteningly so.

First, there's the fact that wastewater sewers have backed up into the floodwaters. Then there's the pastures of cow dung, dog park deposits, septic tank seepage, etc., that have been overcome by raging rivers. And I'm sure if I thought about it, I could come up with some other sources of fetid fecal matter finding their way into the waterways that once were our streets, bike paths, homes, favorite restaurant hangouts and beloved hubs of campus cultural activity.

The local TV anchors can't stop talking about it. Granted, they're performing a community service by warning people like my nutty photog husband that the unsanitary stew they're all eager to slosh around in contains very nasty stuff. Despite the seriousness, these TV nutballs titter and stammer as they describe the various contents. One woman kept saying "there's FEEEEEE-SEEEEEES," just like that, drawn out, over and again. Another guy insisted on calling it poo. Another couldn't even utter any euphemism at all. He was speechless (astounding for a broadcaster, don't you think?). And my personal favorite was the woman who said, "There is a lot of C-R-A-P out there," actually spelling it out, not wanting to offend genteel Midwestern sensibilities.

Nevermind all the other hazardous wastes that have been swept downstream -- gas, paints, industrial chemicals, batteries, medical supplies, fertilizers, pesticides. A public health microbiologist at the UI took this opportunity to share with everyone the hair-raising hazards of floodwaters. Keep the Pepto handy if you decide to read it all.

In Cedar Rapids, they've been struggling to keep their water supply available, urging citizens to stop flushing their toilets. So then came the variety of suggestions on how to keep your house smelling floral fresh in spite of the no-flush order. One brilliant suggestion: pour Windex in the bowl. I guess in addition to masking the odors, it'll make your porcelain streak-free.

Needless to say, there are not a lot of people suddenly getting the munchies while watching our 24-7 flood coverage. The situation's leaving everyone ill-at-ease enough as it is without pondering the pollutants being absorbed into the flora, fauna, flooring and facades of our community.

The whole situation stinks, wouldn't you say?


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