In December, Henry's preschool Winter Wonderland pageant got postponed because of, ironically enough, snowy weather. Last night, the snow fell again, but we all ignored it and trekked back to school for the make-up session. We almost forgot about it -- but, thanks to the miracle of Facebook, our friend Nicole's "status" line about her daughter's program served as the wake-up call. And then we forgot the canned goods. This program was a food fund-raiser for the Johnson County Crisis Center. (I did pack up a few items this morning in hopes we weren't too late to help.) The program was worth the wait -- kidlets in costumes of snowflakes and top hats, gingerbread people and reindeer, polar bears and penguins took the stage to sing such silly songs as the Reindeer Pokey and some sort of penguin song to the tune(ish) of "I'm a little teapot." My little penguin belted out his parts and did the little hand gestures and booty shaking with great gusto. He ...
When you've lost your way, I'm not the person to ask for directions.