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Does he speak a different language?

I am confused.

On my way to work this morning, a story on NPR caught my attention. The topic: border security. It seems that not everyone is thrilled with President Bush's latest attempt to stick his ladle in the pot and stir up trouble.

Here's the gist. Mexico's president Vincente Fox calls up Bush and says whoa, you're really proposing putting National Guard units along the border? Bush says, it's to protect the American people from terrorists. Or undocumented motel-room cleaners. Or whatever.

Fox says, that's not a good thing. What are you doing? Militarization of your borders?

And Bush insists he's not militarizing the border. Just putting National Guard troops there.

Ok. Nevermind that the National Guard troops have been jacked around since this Iraq war started, being taken from their families and shipped to a place where they get shot at and blown up and killed. Nevermind that they have been stretched so thin, if we actually had an emergency in the U.S. (oh wait, we did...Katrina...and it proves my point)...there wouldn't be enough troops to do the job right. Nevermind that Bush is bringing this issue up to deflect attention from the fact that he's been spying on the American people via their phone records, a la the KGB in the Cold War USSR.

Here's my big beef:

military: armed services, military machine, war machine; the military forces of a nation; of or relating to the study of the principles of warfare; "military law"; characteristic of or associated with soldiers or the military

militarization: act of assembling and putting into readiness for war or other emergency: "mobilization of the troops"

Exactly what does Bush think the National Guard is?

Troops wear fatigues. Carry M16s. Drive tanks. Fly helicopters. Use howitzers. Go to war. Die.

What about that isn't military?


Brianne said…
Bush is a dumbass. Simple as that. I'm just mad because we have to put up with him for another two and a half years.

This morning on the radio show I listen to, they were laughing about the fact that Americans are pissed that his speech tonight is interrupting their shows' finales. We care more about our shows than Dubya talking about putting the National Guard on the border... and with good reason. He's an idiot. I wouldn't want to waste any time listening to his incoherent rambling.

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