The Lucy Jane Roth Medical Fund has been established today (8/19/11) with Bank of the West. Stop by your local branch or send checks to help with Lucy's medical expenses. If you do not have a Bank of the West near you, you can still donate by doing the following:
Make check payable to:
Lucy Jane Roth Medical Fund
Endorse the back of the check with:
For Deposit Only
Lucy Jane Roth Medical Fund
NOTE: It is important to endorse the back of the check if you are mailing!
Mail check to:
Bank of the West
301 South Clinton St.
Iowa City, IA 52240
Make check payable to:
Lucy Jane Roth Medical Fund
Endorse the back of the check with:
For Deposit Only
Lucy Jane Roth Medical Fund
NOTE: It is important to endorse the back of the check if you are mailing!
Mail check to:
Bank of the West
301 South Clinton St.
Iowa City, IA 52240