What is in your car trunk?
Other than the spare tire, absolutely nothing! Can you believe it?! I can't. I never have a clean trunk. Let's face it, I never have a clean car. I was always worried when Henry was a baby that if we were ever in an accident, he would get beaned in the head by assorted flying crap in the car. His concussion wouldn't be from the wreck impact, it'd be from a Franklin planner launched across the seat back.
A couple weeks ago, I cleaned the car of all empty pop bottles, fast food sacks, papers from Henry's school, a few dirty clothes, and a pair of scissors (don't ask me...I don't know...). I also removed several parts of my Halloween costume from the trunk. I was a potted plant. It took two rounds of vaccuming to get all the peat moss bits off the trunk lining.
Of all the things one might keep in one's trunk (suitcase if one is lucky enough to travel somewhere exciting; dead body if one is a Soprano), mossy flakes seem seriously tame. Ask me again next week, if you really care. I'm sure this empty-trunk business is a fluke. Meantime, I'll be trying my hardest to clutter it up.