Former Iowa Congressman Jim Leach, a republican, spoke at the Democratic National Convention last night to endorse Barack Obama and remind people that it's not about political parties, it's about the future of America and who has our best interests at heart.
Here's a bit of what he had to say. (For the full transcript, go here.)
Here's a bit of what he had to say. (For the full transcript, go here.)
The portfolio of challenges passed on to the next president will be as
daunting as any since the Great Depression and World War II. This is not a
time for politics as usual or for run-of-the-mill politicians. Little is
riskier to the national interest than more of the same. America needs new
ideas, new energy and a new generation of leadership.
Hence, I stand before you proud of my party's contributions to American
history but, as a citizen, proud as well of the good judgment of good
people in this good party, in nominating a transcending candidate, an
individual whom I am convinced will recapture the American dream and be a
truly great president: the senator from (Republican) Abraham Lincoln's state-Barack
Obama. Thank you.