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Double whammy, and then some

I'm firmly of the opinion that no news is very, very bad news indeed.

If I had to guess, I'd say there's a 99.89 percent chance I am not the candidate the committee chose to fill the vacant editorial position.

Now, I guess MY choice would be one or more of the following (don't take this the wrong way, Tim) favorite men in my life -- Ben & Jerry, Jack Daniel, Captain Morgan, etc.

I'm beyond bummed.

And to make matters worse, I made a lesbian cry today.

I actually had to inform a woman that, according to the eligibility guidelines of her insurance, she could not carry medical insurance on her domestic partner's two children.

I wanted to tell her that I thought her insurance provider sucked and that the rules were unfair and discriminatory and that I thought she was awesome and I was proud of her and her parter for being brave and standing up to get equal rights from her employer.

That's what I WANTED to say, but because the calls are recorded and because I could get fired (and oh, gee, that'd be a tragedy...) I gave her the big, bad news.

And she cried. Then she got on the phone with my supervisor and cried.

I also had to tell a little old man that he still had to send in proof of a spousal relationship (a marriage certificate) between himself and his wife -- even though his wife passed away in February -- so that he could avoid having the insurance company refuse to pay for his wife's final medical bills. There's something incredibly shitty about making a man who just lost his wife put a big old "X" next to her name on a form and fax it back to us so we'll have proper documentation.

What's worse? Not getting the job I want, or staying with the job I can't stand? Looky at that...I get both simultaneously.

Yippee for me.


You may still hear something!! I sure hope so. It can take a while.

I suspect that your kindness shows forth when you are talking to the people like the older man. People pick up on that sort of thing and it can matter to them.

It makes me recall when I did some volunteer campaign phone calls for Hillary Clinton earlier this year. I got hung up on a lot, and heard some not-so-nice things from some people, and heard indifference from some people, but I'll always remember two particular phone calls where I heard about personal hardships -- a deteriorating quality of life over the past 8 years... not making enough money to keep up... one woman unable to provide health care for her kids anymore. These particular folks wanted Hillary to get into office and be a president who once again works for the common man instead of the common CEO.

I'll never forget those particular calls.


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