My whining continues today. But you might not be able to hear me. I'm buried in a drift.
I also predict that I will visit the chiropractor tomorrow, as I have just finished my third round of snow shoveling (including a path in the grass for my poor, height-challenged dog). And it's still dumping buckets. It looks like a bad winter set on a daytime drama. But those ain't potato flakes flying, baby.
See that little plus sign with the 12.2 in the middle of the graphic above? That'd be a foot of snow, right on top of us. I'd bet we'll have even more than that by tonight.
The University canceled classes. It's a state university, 29,000 or so students. They NEVER cancel class. Since the '70s or so, they've only canceled classes, like, twice. Both have been this winter. My kiddo's coming home early from preschool at noon.
The state dept. of transportation has declared that travel is not advised on I-80. Visibility is near zero. The freaking MALL is closed. Need I go on?
I'll shut up and put my mouth to good use doing something else. Like sipping a cup of hot cocoa.