So there's this nutjob (and truly, I think he's certifiable) holyroller Baptist guy in Kansas who spouts hatred for just about everyone on the planet, who takes it upon himself to recruit a bunch of lemming-like followers to help him spew forth his putred bile. I'm not mentioning him, nor am I mentioning the nasty phrases about whom God hates that his bunch plaster all over their picket signs.
I will mention that the rumor is, they're planning to picket at Heath Ledger's funeral, no doubt because (among the numerous projects he worked on) he made one award-winning movie about a beautiful, unconventional love story that broke barriers and touched hearts worldwide.
They've decided to use this man's death as a pulpit for their pious, self-righteous, hate-mongering bullshit. How very...Christian...of them. Keep in mind these are the same people who have picketed the funerals of little girls who died in a school bus crash and soldiers killed in Iraq.
So to that man who shall remain nameless because I don't dare utter his name here to be Google'd and further spread like an infectious disease, I hold up MY picket sign that says: No. MY God hates YOU.
I will mention that the rumor is, they're planning to picket at Heath Ledger's funeral, no doubt because (among the numerous projects he worked on) he made one award-winning movie about a beautiful, unconventional love story that broke barriers and touched hearts worldwide.
They've decided to use this man's death as a pulpit for their pious, self-righteous, hate-mongering bullshit. How very...Christian...of them. Keep in mind these are the same people who have picketed the funerals of little girls who died in a school bus crash and soldiers killed in Iraq.
So to that man who shall remain nameless because I don't dare utter his name here to be Google'd and further spread like an infectious disease, I hold up MY picket sign that says: No. MY God hates YOU.
Second, can I add another candidate for classic infomercial? The Magic Bullet blender thing. I even watched it late at night in Paris, dubbed into German. I learned that the German word for "nachos" is "nachos"--I think they were talking about how this doodad makes cheese sauce.