Anderson Cooper says he once worked as an intern at the CIA.
Anderson Cooper has been named recipient of the 2006 Congressional Black Caucus Health Braintrust Leadership in TV Journalism Award.
Anderson Cooper may be in talks with CBS to host a new morning show with Campbell Brown (that's two anchors with two last names, what're the odds?)
Anderson Cooper for President -- that's what a new poster at promotes.
Who wants to report the news when you can BE the news?! Those were just a few of the AC headlines of the past 24 hours according to my Google News search.
My hubby and I just ditched our cable as part of our newly adopted money-saving habits. Just when I was lamenting the fact I would no longer see my Andy C each weeknight, out pops this nugget of news indicating the network may be calling.
The bits about spying, winning awards and being the first gay president -- BONUS!
He can settle himself and his dreamy blue eyes in my White House any old time.