She doesn't write her own music. She doesn't take precautions to protect her children (for example, letting the child fall on its head or ride on her lap in the car). She has no taste in men (unless worthless bums are chic these days).
And now, she's horning in on someone else's childbirth turf.
Britney Spears is tossing around the idea of having her next child in Namibia, just like Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt recently did with their daughter.
Some tourism minister from the African country said Spears has shown interest, but nothing has been confirmed. Apparently she said she wants to be low profile and have some privacy.
Boohoo. Do you know how much this woman (or child, depending on your point of view) is worth? Forbes says $150 million. She flaunts her breasts and shakes her butt and sings uninspired music, and people shell out big bucks to see and hear it. And then she wants privacy.
I say, That's the price you pay, chicky-babe. Don't like it? Move to Namibia.
So is Spears practicing that notion of imitation being the sincerest form of flattery? No, I think there's just not an ounce of creativity or originality in her.
And I doubt she can spell imitation.
Yeah I think it is such a copycat move to go to Namibia to have your baby immediately after Brad and Angelina did.
The poor girl is just incurably W.T. Did you hear about her trip to Victoria's Secret? She was at the register and changed her son's diaper on the floor of Victoria's Secret. Classy. She then tried to hand the soiled diaper to an employee, who refused it by the way. That is disgusting.
Just for the record, worthless bums are not in the least bit chic. Ick.