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Stupidity and Other Wacky Stuff

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As reported in the Tampa Tribune, two gym teachers in Pensacola, Fla., were arrested recently and charged with bribery. Their alleged crime? Police say they allowed students to avoid gym classes by paying the teachers money. They were collecting $1 per student and one teacher admitted to making at least $230. I think those students are brilliant. I'd have paid at least $5 to skip gym. In fact, I do that now. I pay $40 a month to the gym, yet rarely go.

Yet another reason to make fun of Utah. Station KTVX-TV in Salt Lake City reported that a high school student who was bitten by a rattlesnake had been warned by his friend to avoid it. This student's quote? "Even though she told me not to, I picked it up anyway. I'm not too bright that way." Ya think?

And another. A jewelry designer in Salt Lake City has begun offering jeweled brooches featuring brightly colored Swarovski crystals affixed to a live, 3-inch-long Madagascar hissing cockroach. Ok. Compose Yourselves. There's more. The wearer of the brooch can allow this cockroach to roam a short distance around her dress or jacket via a silver chain attached to the roach's back. And that's not all. The jewelry costs $80. An animal rights spokesperson told the New York Post that the brooch is "just the gift...for the person who doesn't mind a small animal excreting on them throughout the day." Now go take a shower, then buy some Raid.

One other quirky bit. Did you know that the San Francisco Chronicle's weird news column is titled...The Bondage File? There's a punch line in there somewhere.


Brianne said…
I've seen those brooches before. Granted they were on the contestants of America's Next Top Model for a runway show of a designer who is known for his wacky antics (and clothes) - those crazy designers. But that's not something I would expect to see off the runway. Ick. hehe That episode was funny though... one girl totally freaked out.
Anonymous said…
Did you see the article in the Gazette today - the title:
"Man accused of kidnapping teen found naked on roof"

Do you know which one was naked?

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