I caught a couple episodes of the satirical news shows on Comedy Central today. I can't remember whether it was The Daily Show or Colbert, but one of them featured a short news clip with Donald Rumsfeld.
The discussion involved the fact that Rumsfeld, the Secretary of Defense of the United States, wears a pedometer everywhere he goes. Like a good, patriotic, healthy American, he tries to walk those 10,000 steps a day.
However, on this particular day, he was lamenting the fact that he'd only walked a few hundred steps past 1,000.
Oh golly. The turmoil this must cause him. That he's somehow failing by falling short on his exercise regimen. Definitely something worthy of a news story. Can't believe more people aren't documenting this.
No one, though, brought up the fact that while he slacked off on his stepping with fewer than 1,500 steps taken in a day...there have been 2,426 Americans killed in Iraq since the war began in March 2003.
Which number are you more concerned about?