My six-month-old Westie, Maggie (or maggles, maggie-may, mags, or other various variations on a theme), needs to be boarded this weekend for the first time since we got her.
The tryout part: We really can't bear taking her to a kennel where they lock her in a cage for three days. She needs to run and play with other dogs and get human loving. So, she has a trial playtime today at a doggie daycare. We've had to fill out a long application. They see today whether she's an acceptable fit for their establishment. I swear it's worse than sending a kid to college. And almost as expensive (at least we get in-state tuition rates?).
The worrying part: I feel like a nervous mother, waiting to see if her child scores well and impresses the judges, or whether she gets sent to detention for bad behavior. Please please please, Mags, no chewing on shoes or fingers or other dogs' various body parts. Please.
The fun part: if she gets in, they post pictures throughout the day on their web site (a la NannyCam), letting us watch her and the other canines playing during the day.
The best part: She will be so exhausted by the time I pick her up, she'll be puppy putty in my hands. And she won't be chewing on them.
btw: I LOOOOVE your profile pic! It's so cute. :)
I re-read your profile and noticed you like folky-acoustic guitary music. Please Amy. If you haven't checked out Rilo Kiley yet, you must! It's right up your alley and it's fabulous. I prefer the first two albums to their latest (Take Offs and Landings; The Execution of All Things; newest one is More Adventurous which is still great, I just prefer the other two). Oh and you would love the song I Never. If you go onto www.myspace.com/rilokiley, you can listen to I Never in its entirety. :) Please check it out 'cause I know you'll love it!