I've been scoffed at when describing the mangled DQ "historic". As you might read in the other comment, my friend Jenni explained that indeed, it was historic. Right down to its authentic, original ice cream cone lighted sign out front. Now that's about all that's left. People were standing around in the destruction, not sure what to do with themselves, having lost their roofs, their walls, their livelihoods.
Almost immediately after the sirens sounded the all clear, neighbors ventured from their safe places to take in others who'd been less fortunate. They called to check on each other. People who once lived here called and emailed when they heard the news reports to see what they could do to help. That's what kind of people we have here in our town. People who help each other, take care of each other, love and protect each other.
We have 20,000 undergraduates here at the University, and when the storm hit right in the middle of their apartments and homes, the University President immediately canceled classes and opened up emergency shelters for them, with help from the Red Cross. These kids were walking around dazed, down streets lined with snapped tree limbs and fallen street lights, sheets of pink insulation and random 2 by 4s.

My Honda dealership took a hit.
Happy Joe's Pizza? Not so happy. The building behind it seems to have FALLEN on it.
Nearly every downtown building sustained serious structural or vicious cosmetic damage.
St. Pat's Church. What can I say....it's EASTER Sunday. So not fair I can't begin to fathom....

Again, I have to say I'm surprised and relieved that no lives were lost. At least none I've heard as of right now. As I drove to an appointment this a.m., and went through the downtown area, it seemed like a war zone. Police and national guard directing traffic. Debris everywhere. People milling around with stunned, lost looks.
We'll be ok. I'm so glad I live here. It's a beautiful place. No matter what.
***Thanks to the Press-Citizen for its excellent coverage and its stunning photography. For complete details and a photo gallery, go to www.press-citizen.com
It is too bad that T didn't have his camera on him. That would've been a great photo; but I'm MORE glad that he made it to safety. How's Henry doing?