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Getting to know you...

My niece sent me one of those e-mail questionnaires that you're supposed to answer, then send it to all your friends for them to answer. I did it one better. I'll post it. And my throngs of faithful readers can respond as they wish.

>1. First name? Amy
>2. Were you named after anyone? Mom said once that my name was going to be Lisa Marie. I don't know if I was Elvis's love child, or what.
>3. Do you wish on stars? Yes. And I wish when I toss coins in fountains. And when I turn my necklace around when the clasp gets to the front. And when I blow out my candles. I haven't won the lottery yet, or become wildly famous, or turned into a supermodel, so I'm not sure there's a point.
>4. When did you last cry? A couple weeks ago at my cousin's baby's funeral.
>5. Do you like your handwriting? Only when I'm concentrating on it. Most of the time it's ridiculously sloppy.
>6. What is your favorite lunch meat? Ok. Don't gross out. If I could eat lunch meat and not gain a bunch of pounds and clog my arteries, I love the kinds I ate as a kid - pickle and pimento loaf, olive loaf, mac and cheese loaf. It's totally gross now that I think about it. So forget that. I like lean, deli sliced ham.
>7. What is your birth date? Dec. 1, 1971 - too close to Christmas if you ask me. I have gotten too many "combo" gifts in my life.
>8. What is your most embarrassing CD? There is a -- god help me -- Enrique Iglesias CD on my shelf. And Justin Timberlake. And (I can't believe I'm admitting this) Chynna Phillips. But I swear that the Winger CD in our collection is NOT mine. My husband claims that he won it on the radio once, but I think he's fibbing.

>9. If you were another person, would You be friends with you? No way. Too neurotic and mentally unstable.
>10. Do you have a journal? I've started about 15 journals in my life. I get about 10 pages in, then forget to write in it, then when I'm ready to start again, I have to get a new journal to write in because I need to start fresh. I do have a blog altho I'm only sporadic in writing.
>11. Do you use sarcasm a lot? Yes. But I probably shouldn't There are some people who aren't fond of it and think I'm serious and just being nasty. But I think you'd know if I were really being nasty. Clenched teeth and namecalling would be involved.
>12. Do you have a nickname? Aim, AP (former initials), Aimster, Ames, Mommy (ok, not a nickname, but my kid calls me that so it might apply)
>13. Would you bungee jump? No freaking way. No need to jump off a perfectly good bridge. I feel the same about parachuting. It only takes one time when the shoot doesn't really screw things up.

>14. Do you untie your shoes when you take them off? Almost never. I frequently leave them scattered about the house, wherever I take them off, too. Which makes my husband angry.

>15. Do you think that you are strong? No I'm a wimp. Physically and emotionally.

>16. What is your favorite ice cream flavor? Ben and Jerry's Chunky Monkey's one of my favorites. So's Haagen Daas Cherry Fudge Truffle Light. But they're way too dangerous. There's a Blue Bunny No sugar added Fat Free Brownie Sundae that is not bad and has several grams of fiber per serving...but i don't want to know what they put in it to give it that much fiber.

>17. Red or pink? Red, unless I'm feeling really girly.
>18. Least favorite thing about yourself? Physically or psychologically? Physically, jeez. You name it. I wish I were skinnier, tanner, fitter. I wish my head wasn't so big and round and that it didn't resemble a MUPPET head. I wish I had blue eyes. I wish my hair was longer and that I had the patience to let it grow. I wish men drooled when I walked past. And psychologically? I guess I'd like to accept me for me a little more. I wasn't kidding with the mental instability comment.

>19. Who do you miss the most? My maid of honor Jess who lives about 8 states away from me. My dog Ansel who passed away 1+ years ago. My hairstylist in Utah, who provided me with the best haircuts and gossip in the Western U.S.

>20. Do you want everyone you send this to send it back? Sure. (or hit reply if it's via blog)
>21. What color pants and shoes are you wearing? Not wearing pants....but get your mind out of the gutter. I'm wearing a brown linen ankle-length skirt and matching herringbone-patterned linen shirt. And clunky brown Doc Martens that are my favorite shoes ever. And Tim would say I need to brighten up my wardrobe.

>22. What are you listening to right now? The voices in my head.
>23. Last thing you ate? A Scotcheroo for a co-worker's birthday
>24. If you were a crayon, what color would you be? No, Tim. Not brown. I'd be Punchy Peach
>25. What is the weather like now? Sunny, 65, above normal temp for fall
>26. Last person you talked to on the phone? Coworker Chris
>27. The first thing you notice about the opposite sex? Eyes, butt, legs, smile...not necessarily in that order. Sort of depends on the person and what he's wearing.
>28. Do you like the person who sent this to you? Of course. My sweet niece. Altho I refuse to believe she drinks alcohol or swears. Ahem...>
>29. Favorite Drink? Diet Mountain Dew. But I wish they'd bring back Diet Crystal Pepsi, my favorite beverage for study groups in college. Fresca's not bad either, in a pinch.>
>30. Favorite sport? To play? Don't have one. To watch, Football.
>31. Hair color? Brownishblah. Used to be highlighted blonde. But I can't afford it.
>32. Do you wear contacts? No. Used to, but they're too much hassle to clean and put in and out and keep from getting gunk stuck in them and keep them wet so they don't dry out and stick to your eyeballs. And I hate it when one gets flipped over in half and gets stuck in my eye socket. I wonder how many people have lost contacts just floating around in their orbital area. Gross.
>34. Last movie you watched? Erin Brockovich
>35. Favorite day of the year? Nov. baby's birthday.>

>36. Scary movies or happy endings? Happy endings. I'm a chick-flick, romantic-comedy kind of girl
>37. Summer or winter? Summer...sandals, darker skin, sun hats, long days, vacations
>38. Hugs or kisses? Well that depends on who it is. Kissing's fun. Hugging's a necessity in my extended family. We hug hello. We hug goodbye. We hug when we tell funny stories. Drives my husband nuts. He says people who see each other one or two times a year should not be touching each other. I say, the world needs more hugging.
>39. What is your favorite dessert? Caramel bread pudding with vanilla ice cream>
>40. Who is most likely to respond? Probably no one. People hate these things :-)
>41. Who is least likely to respond? see # 40.
>42. Living arrangements? Husband and 2year old son and a cat with pancreatitis, in a modest ranch-style home in a midwestern college town.
>43. What books are you reading? Just read Little Earthquakes by Jennifer Weiner. She's a stitch. Now I'm reading Stranger in a Strange Land by Robert Heinlein
>44. What's on your mouse pad? Don't have one. I have a Mac laptop.
>45. What did you watch last night? I don't remember. I think we flipped the channel lots and ended up on CNN.
>46. Favorite smell? Coffee. I think I absorb caffeine just by smelling it. Nothing better than stepping inside a Starbucks. When I die and go to heaven (counting my chickens, eh?!) I hope it smells like a Starbucks.
>47. Favorite sounds? Hmmmm. Silence? At least for eight hours in a row at night. Familiar laughter's always fun. Soft friendly voice of a friend on the phone. And there's really nothing better than hearing H-man talking. he's the smartest kid ever, I'm sure you know.
>48. Rolling Stones or Beatles? Beatles. I can't get past Jagger's lips. I'm surprised he hasn't suffocated someone with them.
>49. What's the furthest you've been from home? San Francisco or North Carolina, depending on where I'd consider "home" to be.
>50. Do you have a special talent? Writing. I've been told there are others. And leave it at that.
>51. What is your ring tone? Right now, it's The Peanuts theme song by Vince Guaraldi. It replaced Brown Eyed Girl by Van Morrison. And for a while, I had Love Shack by the B-52s.
>52. What do you hate most in a person? Overly critical people. Only slightly more than I hate people who aren't open and honest. How's that for a contradiction. I guess I like openness and honesty as long as it doesn't hurt my feelings.
>53. What's in your CD player right now? Avril Lavigne's first CD.
>54. Name of the last person you kissed: Tim
>55. Last time you had a truly great time out. A dinner with some friends who are former work associates -- to celebrate the completion of an 80-brochure project from hell.
>56. Current favorite restaurant: Hmmm. All time favorite restaurant is Roosters in Ogden, Utah. For a chain restaurant, I'd say California Pizza Kitchen. And here, a place that serves gourmet burritos. The service sucks but the food's incredible.


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