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Rays of Hope

Pulling oneself out of the deep dark pit of despair can be a daunting task. It's easier to wallow. Then again, there are flashes of light that signal the happier times in our midst.

1. Our friends K and L had a beautiful 7 pound, completely healthy baby girl Annelise earlier this week. Here's to "UNEVENTFUL" GESTATIONS and BIRTHS! Amen. (And I might add, something must be in the air, because our friends are procreating at quite a speedy pace these days.)

2. My H-man's second birthday is 17 days away.

3. My cat is (cross your fingers) recovering quickly from a nasty case of - apologies in advance - worms. (And an H "funny": he says, "Dohchay havin' wooms. Ukky." I agree.

4. I joined the gym. I'm not sure I'm happy about it; I'll be happier when my clothes aren't so tight they cut off circulation.

5. Today is the last day of our public radio station's week-long Fall pledge drive.

6. Saddam's on trial. At last.

7. Jennifer Aniston has a new beau!

8. Sunday's our family outing to the "Punkeen Pats" (translated - Pumpkin Patch, where we'll pick out a potential jack o'lantern, buy some gourds for a Thanksgiving centerpiece, and shuffle through a maze made of hay bales...great fun will be had by all).

9. It's Friday. That's always a reason to rejoice.

10. Someone won $340 MILLION in the lottery!!! It wasn't ME. But SOMEONE out there must be giddy.

See. Things are looking up. Hey, even Tom Delay was his booking photo.


FletcherDodge said…

"Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things."

Brianne said…
I got the pumpkin patch pictures. H is SOOO adorable! And love the costume too.
I'm joining a gym too! I'm taking full advantage of a free 2-week trial membership which ends on Thursday. So last week I actually dragged my butt over there at 5:30 in the morning. It was fine the first time but the next day? I wanted to die of exhaustion. I'm going to make it work though. The joiner's fee is outrageous but just about what I expected out of Overland Park. But whatcha gonna do?
I never realized just how many calories I burned serving. Now that I sit for 9 hours instead of run around, I can definitely tell a difference. The gym is necessary. :)
You can dooo eeet!

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