I remember the SchoolHouse Rock song, "...I'm just a bill...sitting here on capitol hill..." But did SHR have a song to teach youngsters about supreme court justices? Don't think so. Well, this is my attempt at educating the masses. Make up your own tune and rhymes if you'd like.
Chief Justice William Rehnquist - Reagan Appointee chief/Nixon Appointee court
John Paul Stevens - Ford Appointee
Sandra Day O'Connor - Reagan Appointee
Antonin Scalia - Reagan Appointee
Anthony Kennedy - Reagan Appointee
David Souter - Elder Bush Appointee
Clarence Thomas - Elder Bush Appointee
Ruth Bader Ginsburg - Clinton Appointee
Stephen Breyer - Clinton Appointee
Chief Justice William Rehnquist - Reagan Appointee chief/Nixon Appointee court
John Paul Stevens - Ford Appointee
Sandra Day O'Connor - Reagan Appointee
Antonin Scalia - Reagan Appointee
Anthony Kennedy - Reagan Appointee
David Souter - Elder Bush Appointee
Clarence Thomas - Elder Bush Appointee
Ruth Bader Ginsburg - Clinton Appointee
Stephen Breyer - Clinton Appointee