If you're trusted and people will allow you to share their inner gardern...what better gift?
- Fred Rogers
A friend let me in today.
She and I met several years ago and our friendship has slowly and steadily built upon itself through each phone call, meeting at the coffeehouse, lunch outing, drink after work. Bit by bit, I learned the stories of her life, the ones that reinforced my ideas about who she is as a person, the ones that served as mortar between the bricks slowly building the foundation of our friendship.
We've enjoyed each other's company, shared each other's laughter, sympathized with each other's worry, offered a shoulder and open ear and open mind. And today, she - without much drama or fanfare - shared a part of her life that not everyone gets to see or know or be a part of. She trusted me with a piece of her history, her world, her soul.
I feel blessed to call her my friend. And even more so, I'm truly honored that she considers me one.