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News of the weird...

I've been an avid reader of BTK-related online message boards since he started communicating again with the public and police a year ago. A few interesting tidbits from the board.

• Dennis is SINNED spelled backwards.

• Conspiracy theorists insist that there's more than one BTK. In fact, someone whose screen name is Scroll, has insisted for months that BTK actually is a roving band of crackheads. Others think BTK and the Zodiac Killer of California are the same person.

• Visit for an intriguing little story about an unsolved murder case in a county adjacent to Dennis Rader's home county. Cops are investigating the possibility that the suspect description/eyewitness police artist sketch bears a striking resemblance to Rader. Nice reporting from my j-school buddy Chris Strunk.

• The following is from mekon66, a ditty referring to Sedgwick County DA Nola Foulston, sung to the tune "Lola" by The Kinks:

Now I'm not the world's most physical guy
But when she cross-ex(amine)'d me I still felt fine
O Nola, No-no-no-no-laaaa....
And I'm not young but I can't reconcile
While she talked up those charges but still wouldn't file,
O-o Nola, No-no-no, no-noooooo-laaaa....

• Someone made T-shirts.

• Another compelling little story at is titled "Scouters recall Rader as good father, knot expert". Take a look. It'll make you mad, make you sick, and make you shiver.

• Anyone else feel just a little weirded out by the fact that the tagline/slogan for Park City, KS (home of BTK suspect Rader) is "Park City: For a day, a week, a lifetime." Rader lived most of his life there; and he allegedly cut short the lives of two of Park City's citizens—Marine and Dee. For more on Park City: At the Center of Tacky, go to


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