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The peanut is neither a pea nor a nut. Discuss!

I've been neglecting my blog. Mostly, I've felt like I didn't have much of anything to say. In a funk, I guess. I came back from vacation and have been questioning my place in the universe ever since. What's my purpose? What's my motivation? These are questions I'm not delving into on my blog. At least not right now. I don't have the time to get into it. And there must be some sort of character limit for how much you can write in one post. I would exceed it by tens of thousands, I'm sure.

So what to write about? Some days it hurts my head to think. I've decided that I'll let someone else do the thinking for me, at least from the idea-generating standpoint. I discovered "The Imagination Prompt Generator" -- a site that automatically generates writing prompts for bloggers like me with topic-block. I'll still have to come up with semi-coherent thoughts, but I'll be more directed.

I plan to start tomorrow. And I have promised myself that I will blog once a day for a month. Keep stopping back to check it out -- if for nothing else, to see what sort of off-the-wall nonsense I'm forcing myself to spew about.

Here's a sneak preview: the first prompt I saw when I discovered the site today was, "Why did you do it?" Wow...where to begin...


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