Right now you should be doing ______ instead of being on the computer.
Most days my fill-in-the-blank answer would be "just about anything." I occasionally find myself ignoring my kid or my hubby or my dog or my bundle of house chores to take a "Which powerful woman in history are you?" quiz on Facebook or to update my FB status with some completely banal rundown of my lame existence.
However, I have to admit I've done a whole lot of somethings this weekend that make my occasional cop-a-squat on the couch with my laptop a lot less pathetic. In the past two days I've:
-- Knit several inches on a sock.
-- Started a sewing project (I'm making a patchwork tote-ish bag).
-- Visited Tim's aunt, who is rehabbing a severely broken leg.
-- Gone to spinning for 80 minutes.
-- Went on a short outside bike ride.
-- Walked the dog.
-- Cooked and cleaned and laundered (sans snotty towels, thank you very much).
-- Read a book.
-- Snuggled on the couch with my honey.
-- Read to my kiddo and been read to by him.
-- Played games with my kiddo.
-- Shopped for groceries.
-- Finished two blog posts, including this fine one.
So I'm giving myself a free pass. I'm allowed to surf the Net. At least for the next 10 minutes.
Yeah, right.