These days, I see an American flag and think of the lives destroyed by a war based on lies. I think of the word "patriotism" and hear it spilling from the mouths of deceitful, hateful warmongers on a deadly agenda. I hesitate to wear red, white and blue today because the first thought in my head is, "I wouldn't want to do anything to make people think I might be showing support for an administration worthy of war-crimes tribunals and impeachment trials."
Then I remember: hey, it's my country just as much as it is theirs. This is a country that allows us freedom of speech, allows me to have my career as a writer. This is a country that offers us hope and prosperity and possibility, no matter where we started -- and more increasingly, no matter our ethnic heritage or skin color or gender or sexual orientation.
It's not perfect. But it's worthy of celebration and honor. And I won't allow anyone to steal away my invitation to the party. I'm proud to be an American, not because of our military might or our capitalist greed or our old boy networking. I'm proud to be an American because I can choose to separate myself from that and strive for change.
Happy 4th. Stay safe. Love your neighbor. Even the stubborn, misguided ones. We're all ingredients, sharing space in the melting pot.