I suppose no news from Hollywood should come as a shock these days.
But the headlines this afternoon made me gasp. And then feel very, very sad. So much potential...lost.
One story pointed out that two years ago at this time, Heath Ledger was an Oscar nominee. Today he's dead, surrounded by a bunch of pills and innuendo.
The 28-year-old left behind a child, an ex, various friends and family, and a legion of fans who mourn not only the loss of a talented person but of a wealth of possibility and promise.
It's one of those tragic Hollywood "endings" becoming tired and quite typical. What a shame.
There are places we can't return. There are truths we can't deny. These are two sentiments taken from a Brokeback Mountain trailer and a fitting way to say goodbye. Along with a last look at great work...
When you've lost your way, I'm not the person to ask for directions.